Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare at Caversham Wildlife Park

The wild is often romanticised as a wonderful place for animals to be, but the sad truth is that it is often incredibly unsafe, as is the case for many Australian species.

In captivity, yes they are safe, but it is our job to ensure they are also happy.

At Caversham Wildlife Park, we are dedicated to meeting the animal's needs, relating to nutrition, environment, heath, behaviour and mental well-being.

State and local regulatory authorities ensure our compliance with relevant regulations for displaying captive animals.

But to show our commitment on a much deeper level, we have chosen to affiliate ourselves with Zoo & Aquarium Association (ZAA). Since 2013 we have been successfully assessed under the rigorous ZAA Accreditation Program for positive animal welfare.

As members, we adhere to ZAA recommendations, including:

  • Five Domains of Animal Welfare Model.
  • Animal Welfare recommendations.
  • Animal Visitor Interaction standards.

As Full Members of ZAA, our visitors can be assured that instead of providing minimum standard of care, we are committed to providing the best level of care.